Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Vatican: Pulling Plug on Terri Akin to Capital Punishment

I'm afraid I must disagree with the Vatican on this one. No civilized country would mete out capital punishment by withdrawing food and water.

Hopefully Terri Schiavo is too brain-damaged to know what is happening to her. Though at I've seen some video clips that make me uneasy. In these Terri appears to be severely brain-damaged yet certainly aware of her surroundings and capable of emotion.

Of course her husband, Mark Schaivo, knows much more about her situation than I do. But from these videos I'm afraid she is able to suffer. No doubt she would be better off to be with God, but starvation and dehydration is a horrible death. If there is any chance that Terri can still feel, however slightly, letting her die this way is obscene.