Saturday, October 02, 2004

My Decision II

It just occurred to me that in my last posting the aspie part of me took over and I came across like a prig with my head up my...oh well, you get the idea. The bottom line: Bush, with his war and his excuses for it, his economic decisions and his general attitude toward the poor (he admits he can't understand what it's like) just gripes my soul. One way or another, he offends nearly every moral belief I've got. The only exceptions are school vouchers (I'm for 'em too), abortion (I'm against it), and an amendment prohibiting gay marriage (he's for it, I am too, intellectually, although my emotions protest a little).

Kerry is neither warm nor cuddly but I find his politics very attractive. And I have no problem with his tendency to change his positions on issues. Being an aspie, when I meet someone new I turn into The Ice Princess of the World, only more clumsy. And I tend to be much worse than Kerry about indecisiveness and changing my mind. Others see black and white, right and wrong. I see a hundred shades of gray and a million possibilities. So it's tough for me to take an absolute stand and stick with it.

So I'll have to vote for Kerry and pray that God will lead him. There's more, of course, but I'll plow through it later.

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