Saturday, October 02, 2004

My Decision on the Election

As you can see by the new banner on this page I've decided who to vote for in the upcoming election. Many things guided my decision, but one thing sticks out in my mind. During the first debate President Bush asked Senator Kerry if he thought our troops in Iraq had died for nothing. As one could expect Kerry answered negatively. When I asked myself the same question, I had to admit that yes, I'm afraid they did. Unless one believes that control of more oil fields, in order to expand profits for oil companies, is worth dying for.

It's fine to talk about liberating the Iraqi people. In a sense they are liberated, at least from the rule of Saddam Hussien. But true liberation requires the physical ability, and the will, to remain free without outside help. As it is, without the help of the U.S. forces Iraq would surely become dominated by an Afgani-style fundamentalist Islamic dictatorship. And, judging by the experience of Afganistan, the government of Saddam would look almost sweet and gentle by comparison.

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